BDGA End of Year Weiqi Tournament 2013

*Tournament of the year*

Zhefan recording  Table 1 game
Zhefan recording Table 1 game


It is the custom for the Association to host at least two tournaments in a year. A themed event and a standard one. The BDGA End of Year Go Tournament 2013 was hosted on the 24th November, 2013 at Dewan Silaturrahim, Pusat Belia from 10 00 to 17 00.

There were not much of contestants but the event went on with 10 participants:
Micheal Chen 2-dan
Peng Hui 1-kyu
Javian 3-kyu
Victor 2-kyu
CheeMing 6-kyu
JinQuan 9-kyu
HawLin 10-kyu
William 10-kyu
Teresa 11-kyu
David 12-kyu

The tournament ran with McMahon System in Japanese Rules Komi 6.5; time setting was 10-minutes, 3 periods-30 seconds. The intention of the tournament was to train how the participants handle time pressure in an intense mid-game battles.

This was oversaw by Xinwen noticing that Brunei Players lacking of training under byo-yomi training.

*Results and Pairings*

In the middle of the match
In the middle of the match
On Screen Live broadcast
On Screen Live broadcast


Using the McMahon System, it creates a fair pairing not only base on their winning scores but also their ranks.

Final Standing
Final Standing

*Prize Award Ceremony*

Made by HuiYee and Jiahui
Made by HuiYee and Jiahui


Group Picture
Group Picture
Certificate honoured to Jacky
Certificate honoured to Jacky


Prizes Awarded to:-

Division One
Champion: Michael Chen 2-dan (promoted to 3-dan with certificate)
Runner-up: Javian Tay 3-kyu (promoted to 1-kyu)
3rd Place: PengHui 1-kyu
4th Place: Victor 2-kyu
5th Place: CheeMing 6-kyu

Division Two
Champion: Jin Quan 9-kyu (promoted to 6-kyu with certificate)
Runner-up: HawLin 10-kyu (promoted to 7-kyu)
3rd Place: William 10-kyu (promoted to 9-kyu)
4th Place: Terasa 11-kyu (promoted to 10-kyu)
5th Place: David 12-kyu

*game records*

Round 1: Javian vs Michael :
Round 2: CheeMing vs JinQuan :
Round 3: Victor vs HawLin  :
Round 4: PengHui vs William

2nd District Go Workshop, Pusat Belia

*First Attend by SMJA and Lambak Kiri*

Lambak Kiri Students Learning the game
Lambak Kiri Students Learning the game
SMJA student learning the game!
SMJA student learning the game!


The 2nd District Go Workshop was held at the Dewan Silaturrahim, Pusat Belia on the 23rd of November, 2013 (Saturday) organised by the Brunei Darussalam Go Association and supported by Jabatan Belia dan Sukan. The generosity of the equipment is sponsored and supported by the World Pair Go Association and Thailand Go Association.

The invited schools were:
Chung Hwa Middle School
St.Andrew’s School
Omar Ali Saifuddien College
SM Jamalul Alam
SM Lambak Kiri
PTE Katok
PTE Meragang
Maktab Duli
Maktab Soas


Chung Sun explaining to the students
Chung Sun explaining to the students


The Committees were:
Presenter – Sid
Organiser – Xinwen
Co-Organiser – ChaiHui
Volunteers – ChiaoHong, Javian, ZheFan, ChungSun, Huiyee, PengHui

The sessions began 09 30 with registration and brief introduction about the game of Weiqi then slowly giving the students more exercises before proceeding to Teaching Game. Some problems award the participants pens and paper fans (sponsored by Taiwan Weiqi Association).

*Note of Reminder*

CHMS teacher who could play Weiqi!
CHMS teacher who could play Weiqi!
Most Rewarded Participant
Most Rewarded Participant


This year again, not all the schools managed to attend mainly because of the date of choice: is the last day of school and most schools have events. Usually it is harder to invite Pre-University College to participate, probably not going to try inviting them anymore next year.

To get as much participants to join as possible – the Association going to invite up to 14 schools next year to give it a shot of full attendants.

Refreshments were not provided but promised to be given by the boss of Pusat Belia very disappointing.

Featured by Tiger Lim.

*Introduce the game to Tiger Lim*

featured in his page
featured in his page

[credit to:]


The Association had made contacted with Tiger Lim (, one of the most famous blogger in Brunei.  Xinwen and the president, JiaHui sat down with Tiger Lim and introduce our Association and the game to him.

What’s next? Who knows… :)

Actually Xinwen had asked him to become the Association patron not by supporting in funds but in words and appearance. Further decision will be discussed with the Association team.



my curriculum vitae!

*my CV*

my CV (version X1.1)
my CV (version X1.1)


This is my first designed CV for job application; of course I am not Graphic Design graduate but I do possess some designing skills from my Architectural Degree – though maybe not sufficient.

Some may think this is messy, because I have tried to make it compressed to one page instead of two-three. Summarised into diagrammatic form, lessen the amount of colours used and bold necessary text to catch reader eyes right away instead of moving around trying to find the key words.

Regardless, I’m happy to get my CV done! but I still have my portfolio to tidy up :( came back in June, now November due to all the Weiqi stuff and have a job currently filling up my time…

Second District Go Workshop 23rd to 24th November, 2013!

*Poster unveiled*

Announcement Poster
Announcement Poster

[Poster designed by Xinwen]


The Association is very happy to announce that the 2nd District Go Workshop will be held as shown in the poster! 23rd November, 2013. An extension demonstration of Weiqi will be held on the following next day 24th November, 2013. The visitors could visit and learn the game of Weiqi, and of course to witness the tournaments competed by the local talents!

Please join for more information.

Seriously, the Association needs a lot of supports from all kind of fields!!

Meaningful Gift from Javian and Thai U-Go 2013


Shirt dedication
Shirt dedication


The Asian Thai-U Go Tournament 2014 was held on the 26th October to the 31st of October, 2013 in Bangkok. It was the first time Brunei Darussalam Go Association had dispatched a team: Javian Tay and the team leader Jacky Yin.

Even though Brunei Team did not achieve an impressive result but the experiences and socially engagement was very memorable.

for more information, please join

*more pictures*

Javian Tay in action
Javian Tay in action
Jacky and Javian
Jacky and participant

Some of the pictures taken during the Chinese Cultural Day

*Chinese Cultural Day 30th October, 2013*

Best participant during the workshop!
Best participant during the workshop!


All the pictures are in courtesy of ChaiHui, for more information, please visit Thank you very much for supporting the Association and keeping an eye on us..!

*more pictures*

Drink his susu before placing his next move!
Drink his susu before placing his next move!
People swarming to know
People swarming to know

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